What are our priorities and how we are doing

Information about our priorities and how we are doing will be made available on our website as it is produced.  If the information you require is not available here please see how you can make a Freedom of Information request to obtain the information here.


Annual Report and Accounts

The CCG's Annual Report can be found on the CCG website here and gives information on the CCG's performance over the year.


The CCG's Vision, Values and Aims

Information on the CCG's Vision, Values and Aims can be found on the CCG's website here.


The CCG's Priorities

Details of the CCG's priorities can be found here.


CCG Strategies and Plans

The CCG's strategies and plans, including the latest CCG Strategy and Operational Plan, can be found on the CCG Publications page here and also here.


CCG Performance Reports

The CCG reports on its performance against key national and local indicators, that measure the effectiveness of the CCG in meeting its strategic objectives and statutory duties.  These reports are presented at the CCG Governing Body and the papers are published on the CCG website here.

Information on CCG performance can also be found here


CCG Quality and Safety Reports

All quality and patient safety issues are reported to the CCG's Quality & Patient Experience Committee for assurance purposes and/or to ensure appropriate improvement plans are in place to maximise quality/patient safety.  The reports are presented to the CCG Governing Body and the papers are published on the CCG website here.



Reports by Regulatory Organisations

Reports by regulatory organisations will be published here as they become available.

NHS England has specific responsibility under the Health and Social Care Act (2012) for CCG authorisation and assurance. To this end, they make an annual assessment of CCGs each financial year and publish a summary report. In addition, NHS England also oversees those CCGs which have been authorised subject to conditions. Any relevant publications in this respect can be found on the NHS England website.

A high number of our provider organisations in their capacity as clinical service providers will be subject to the regulatory oversight of the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The CQC is set up with responsibility for making sure that care provided by hospitals, ambulances, care homes and other clinical service providers meet government standards of quality and safety.

Any reports published by the CQC can be found on the Publications section of their website.


Audit Reports

Audit reports are delivered at the CCG Governing Body and the papers are published on the CCG website here.


Service Users Surveys

There are many ways you can help us to help you by getting involved in shaping NHS services.  Information on how you can do get involved with current opportunities is available here.  

If you want to be amongst the first people to find out about upcoming involvement opportunities, please join our involve network.

A summary of how people have helped us shape services can be found here.


CCG Freedom of Information Compliance Statistics

The Section 45 Code of Practice under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) recommends that public authorities with over 100 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees publish FOIA compliance statistics as part of their publication schemes.  As a matter of best practice the CCG will publish its Freedom of Information reports on a quarterly basis below.



